演講者:Prof. Philip Deloria
講題:From Nation to Neighborhood: The Cultural Geography of North American Colonialism
時間:5/20 (三) 7pm-2:30pm-4:30pm
地點:原民院B123 國際會議廳
講者簡介:University of Michigan, Department of History and Program in American Culture
Recent scholarship in Native American Studies has insisted upon the centrality of colonialism as a generalizing principle in the field. Indeed,\"colonialism\" has generally supplanted U.S. federal Indian policy as the main strategy for viewing together the disparate histories of hundreds of American Indian nations. While some understandings of colonialism have focused on precise instances of colonial practice, many have expanded the concept to the point of diminishing use: colonialism simply means all the various bad things that have happened to American Indian people. At the same time, a central historiographical trend in American history and literary studies has been to center the cultural
productions that have accompanied empire—without, perhaps, as much attention to the colonial dimensions of imperial encounter. Putting in conversation the relation between (imperial) acts of federal policy and cultural imagination and the nature of colonial practices.
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