Dear SEAA member,
It’s not too late to submit an abstract or panel proposal for SEAA’s joint conference with the Taiwan Association for Anthropology and Ethnology (proposal deadline Feb. 28).
The conference is an excellent opportunity for intellectual exchanges and networking between anthropologists based in and out of East Asia. Local organizers are extending wonderful hospitality: “Earlybird” registration of approximately $100 US covers accommodations, lunches, and two banquets.
SEAA will be able to make small grants to graduate students, on a basis of need, to help defray the costs of travel. Watch for details.
There is more information on the conference site (http://seaa2009.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/). The conference call, prepared by Anru Lee, is pasted below.
Hope to see you in Taipei!
SEAA Taipei 2009
Conference of the Society for East Asian Anthropology, American Anthropological Association East by Southeast:
Multiple Perspectives on Asia
2-5 July 2009
You are invited to participate in “East by Southeast: Multiple Perspectives on Asia,” a conference of the Society for East Asian Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association, which will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, on 2-5 July 2009. We encourage submissions of both organized sessions and individual papers on issues of interest and passion in the anthropology of East and Southeast Asian societies. We particularly welcome panels that bring together comparative studies of a common topic from different parts of the region.
Peoples in East and Southeast Asia have historically enjoyed intricate relationships. The unprecedented rate and spread of globalization since the late 20th century onward have occasioned new modes of economic integration with attendant flows of people, commodities, and popular culture that knit the region in new and complex ways. At the same time, people in different parts of the region face similar challenges with respect to new class formations and lifestyles, new ways of performing gender, contestations between local and national identities, and expanding horizons of consumption. The region is also a site of post- and neo-colonial tensions. This meeting provides a unique opportunity for East and Southeast Asian anthropologists and anthropologists of East and Southeast Asia to learn about current research in their areas (both geographic and theoretical) and to create links with researchers in other countries. The conference will include a diverse and multicult!
ural community of anthropologists, both students and established scholars, and academic and applied anthropologists.
This conference, which will be conducted in English, is jointly sponsored by the Society for East Asian Anthropology, the Taiwan Association for Anthropology and Ethnology, the Graduate Institute of Anthropology at National Tsing Hua University, the College of Hakka Studies at National Chiao Tung University, and the Institute of Ethnology at Academia Sinica .
Deadline for submission of panel and paper abstracts: 28 February 2009 Deadline for conference registration and housing application: 30 April 2009
Please check the SEAA Website (http://www.aaanet.org/sections/seaa/index.html) for the SEAA 2009 Taipei Conference update. If you have any questions, you can also contact Anru Lee, the chair of the program committee at: alee@jjay.cuny.edu.
Anru Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 10th Avenue
New York, NY 10019
(TEL) (212) 237-8571